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7 Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle

Here are some tips to consider in growing old slowly, gracefully and healthfully.

1. Keep away from excessive smoking & drinking. This is the first and foremost thing need to be adapted for improvement of personal hygiene

2. Live with nature. Green plants, green herbs, green salads, always are good to go with. Living with plants having plenty of oxygen reduces various health issues as well decreases stress and recuperate from illness.

3. Control your weight. Overweight or underweight is not advisable…control your weight as needed. Though underweight is fine for most of the people, overweight has lot of effect on our health. Getting tired easily, not able to sit or stand for long times, feeling heavy, etc

4. Keep your mind fresh, try yoga or meditation, which activates your neurons as well, energizes your body.

5. Another old technique is fasting. Eating less food reduces tissue wear and tear from excess blood sugar, inflammation and free radicals. Drinking water periodically is necessary too.

6. Treat chronic pains. Consult your physician and get your chronic pains addressed. Chronic pain dampens the immune system and sometimes causes depression and tends to elevate levels of the noxious stress hormone cortisol.
7. Start walking and exercising and practice warm up on a daily or weekly basis. Regular exercise helps you various health complications. Light exercise also reduces the likelihood of diabetes, cancer, depression, dementia and even aging of the skin.
You are responsible for your health and you are the only one who can improve it……..Start today!

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